Published OnFebruary 7, 2025
Examine Yourself
Eternal WordsEternal Words

Examine Yourself

2 Corinthians 13 verse 5

Chapter 1

Examine Yourself

Matthew 2

Hello and welcome to today’s episode of Eternal Words, am Matthew, and I’m so glad you could join me. Today, we’ll be diving into something that is, at once, deeply personal and immensely valuable in our spiritual journeys: examining ourselves in the faith.

Matthew 2

Now, self-examination is... well, it’s not always easy, is it? Looking inward, honestly evaluating where we stand in our walk with Christ—it takes courage, and it takes humility. But it’s also one of the most important practices we can cultivate as believers. You see, when we stop and reflect, we allow the Holy Spirit to reveal areas in our lives where we may need growth, or where we might need to realign ourselves with God’s will.

Matthew 2

This idea of self-examination isn’t just my thoughts, by the way. It’s firmly rooted in scripture. In 2 Corinthians, in fact, Paul urges the believers in Corinth to, and I’m paraphrasing here, test themselves. He says, “Examine yourselves, to see whether you are in the faith.” And it’s such a profound reminder that faith isn’t passive. It’s dynamic—alive. And like any living thing, it needs care and attention to grow.

Matthew 2

The context of Paul’s letter is important, too. The Corinthians were facing challenges, not unlike some we face today—divisions, moral struggles, and maybe even spiritual complacency in some ways. And Paul, with his loving yet firm tone, invited them to pause. To think. To ask themselves: Am I truly living as a disciple of Christ? And more importantly, is Christ evident in me?

Matthew 2

In many ways, this letter is as relevant to us now as it was then. You and I, we’re busy people, aren’t we? There’s always something vying for our attention—work, family, news, social media. But amid everything, taking time to pause and examine ourselves allows us to remain anchored in what truly matters, in our faith, and in God’s love.

Matthew 2

And that’s all for today. It’s been a blessing, as always, to share this time with you. Remember to take a moment this weekend to reflect, to pray, and to realign yourself with your purpose in Christ. Until next time, stay blessed, take care, and don't forget to fellowship this weekend as you enjoy your weekend.

Chapters (1)

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