This episode examines how the condition of the heart influences communication through scripture like Jeremiah 17:9 and Luke 6:45, while emphasizing the reliability of God’s promises in Numbers 23:19 and Isaiah 55:11. Through real-life stories and testimony, listeners will see how scripture brings growth, healing, and trust in uncertain times. The transformative role of applying God’s truth in daily challenges is brought to life with inspiring examples.
Welcome to the Eternal Words podcast, My name is Matthew Akinola this is our first podcast, Words are everything, words can kill and words can encourage, it can destroy and it can build. The bible recorded that the whole world was made by God speaking it to being, which means not only are words powerful but it is even more important whose words they are.
Now, let’s pause for a moment and think about this. Jeremiah 17:9 says the heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it? That’s... well, a sobering thought, isn’t it? I mean, our hearts—not someone else’s, not just the person who wronged us—but ours, are fundamentally flawed. So, when Luke 6:45 tells us that our mouths speak what our hearts are filled with, it gives us a lot to think about.
You know, I’ve come across moments where someone’s words—just a sentence or even a single word—have left wounds... deep, painful wounds that linger long after. And yet, I’ve also seen the kind of healing that happens when someone intentionally speaks life—encouraging, affirming words that uplift. It’s, it’s amazing how much power we wield in our everyday conversations.
But here’s, here’s the thing: if the heart behind those words is inherently deceitful, how can we get it right? How can we ensure our words build up instead of tearing down? And that’s where Jesus steps in. See, His Word doesn’t just tell us how to speak—it transforms the very core of who we are. When our hearts are anchored in His truth, what flows out, well, it changes everything. God’s Word becomes this blueprint for speaking life instead of death.
Now, let me take you to a verse that has always grounded me, especially during times of doubt. Numbers 23:19 says, “God is not human, that He should lie, not a human being, that He should change His mind. Does He speak and then not act? Does He promise and not fulfill?” It’s such a profound statement, isn’t it? I mean, when you think about it, every human is flawed and prone to mistakes, but God—He’s not like us. He doesn’t waver, and He doesn’t falter. His word is as reliable as the rising sun.
In a world that constantly shifts, where trust feels, well, fragile, these words are a stronghold. They assure us that every promise God makes, it’s rock solid. You know, it’s so easy to project human flaws onto Him, to think maybe He’ll let us down, but this verse sweeps away those doubts entirely.
And then, Isaiah 55:11 comes right alongside, building on that assurance. It says, “So is My word that goes out from My mouth: It will not return to Me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.” You know, sometimes, it’s hard to grasp. Like, God’s timing, His ways—they don’t always align with our expectations. But here, He’s telling us, that His words are effective, and purposeful. Even when we can’t see it immediately, they are working. That’s just… well, it’s humbling, isn’t it?
This reminds me of Hudson Taylor, the missionary to China. He often said, “God’s work done in God’s way will never lack God’s supply.” He faced so much uncertainty, and hardships that would’ve made a lesser faith crumble, and yet, he clung to the promises in God’s Word. Taylor’s story is such a powerful example of unwavering reliance on Scripture. Whether resources came through people or in ways no one could explain, Hudson trusted that God’s Word doesn’t return void. And time and time again, God proved faithful.
Reflecting on all this, it becomes clear. God’s unchanging word isn’t just a foundation—it’s an anchor. An anchor that steadies us through storms, doubts, and fears. And when we let it guide us, it doesn’t just transform our lives; it transforms how we respond to everything happening around us.
You know, as we look at how scripture aligns with our daily lives, one thing becomes crystal clear—God’s Word isn’t just about information; it’s about transformation. It shapes every decision, every interaction, and really, every part of who we are. And the incredible part? We’re not walking this journey alone. The Holy Spirit is right there with us, guiding, teaching, and making the truth of the Word alive in us.
I have heard testimony someone shared about a season in her life that felt, well, overwhelming—relationships strained, finances tight, and her faith feeling distant. But she began to dive into the Word, specifically meditating on Philippians 4, which says, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” She didn’t just read it; she applied it. Day by day, she would pause, pray, and choose gratitude, even when things seemed, frankly, bleak.
And what happened wasn’t instant, but it was undeniable. As she leaned on scripture and opened her heart to the guidance of the Holy Spirit, the relationships began to heal. Little by little, provision came through in ways she couldn’t have anticipated. And more than that, her heart—the peace she found—became the real testimony. You see when we give the Word space to work, it doesn’t just stay on the page; it spills over into every part of our lives.
So, whether you’re navigating challenges, facing doubts, or just looking to grow deeper in your walk, know this—God’s Word is living, active, and powerful. And the Holy Spirit is there to help you apply it, step by step, moment by moment. It’s this partnership that transforms us from the inside out, allowing us to reflect Christ’s love, not just in what we say, but in how we live.
And on that note, If you have not accepted Jesus as your lord and Savior please do so. we’ve come to the end of today’s episode. I pray you’ve been encouraged to take God’s Word and walk with it daily. And as we do, let’s watch how it shapes our lives and, through us, touches those around us. Thank you for joining me on this journey. Until next time, stay anchored in His truth. Take care, and God bless.
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"Dive deep into the Word with us! Join us for conversations on Christian living, exploring the Bible verse by verse, and discovering how God's message can transform your everyday life.
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