Matthew 2
Welcome to another episode, am Matthew let me read something from scripture to start: Matthew 12:36-37 says, 'But I tell you that everyone will have to give account on the day of judgment for every empty word they have spoken. For by your words, you will be acquitted, and by your words, you will be condemned.' Powerful, isn’t it? You know, it just reminds me how significant our words really are. Jesus said we will give account for every single word we say which is huge, it means to take your time, and think very deeply and carefully before speaking because whether we like it or not it is been recorded and we will explain to God why you said those things that you said. Jesus emphasizes the power of speech in determining where we end up
Matthew 2
And, Proverbs 21:23 gives us some practical wisdom too. It says, 'Those who guard their mouths and their tongues keep themselves from calamity.' I mean, it’s kinda speaking to the same idea: that words hold weight. They’re not just sound or air passing by; they have real consequences. this verse highlights the significance of self-control in our speech.
Matthew 2
When you think about it, our words flow out of our hearts. The things we say, reveal what’s going on inside of us—our beliefs, our values, even our struggles. And in relationships, wow, words can either build people up or tear them down. Ever thought about that? A kind word can brighten someone’s whole day, while a harsh one can cut deep, sometimes deeper than we realize.
Matthew 2
And then, in our faith, words take on an even deeper meaning. They’re not just tools of communication; they’re expressions of worship, of commitment, of prayer. God himself spoke creation into existence through his words. In Genesis, he said, 'Let there be light,' and there was light. So our words, in a way, reflect this divine ability—this power to create, to shape.
Matthew 2
It’s worth asking ourselves, how do we use that power? Are our words full of grace, full of truth? Or, are we careless, letting hurtful or empty things slip out? Honestly, it’s something I have to think about daily. You know, sometimes I’ll say to myself, ‘Matthew, what you just said, was that really necessary? Was that encouraging or helpful?’
Matthew 2
And as followers of Christ, we’re called to be mindful of this. Not in a way that instills fear, but with a sense of responsibility and intention. Proverbs say, guard your mouth and tongue. It’s not easy, trust me, but it’s so worth it. When we start to align our words with God’s principles, we’ll see, little by little, how it transforms the way we live, the way we connect with others, and how we experience our faith. We are meant to be Christlike so we cannot afford to be careless with our words.
Matthew 2
Alright, I’ll leave you with this thought. Your words matter. They hold power. So use them wisely. Think before you speak, is it true, kind, or necessary, pray for guidance before speaking in sensitive situations, apologize, and correct wrong speech. that’s all for today. I’ve really enjoyed sharing this time with you. Until next time, take care, and may God bless you in Jesus name.
Chapters (1)
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