Published OnFebruary 21, 2025
Life Beyond Possessions
Eternal WordsEternal Words

Life Beyond Possessions

Exploring Luke 12:15

Chapter 1

Life Beyond Possessions

Matthew Akinola

Imagine this—you’re scrolling through social media, and you see someone’s post about their brand-new car or maybe their luxurious vacation destination. And then you scroll a bit further, and suddenly you’re thinking, “If only I had that. If only my life looked like that.” It happens to a lot of us, doesn’t it? But have you ever stopped to ask yourself, why does it matter so much?

Matthew Akinola

Hello and welcome, dear friends, to another episode of "Eternal Words. am Matthew Today, we’re diving into a powerful lesson Jesus shared about life and possessions—the real fundamentals that we so often overlook. This episode is titled "Life Beyond Possessions," and I couldn’t be more excited to explore this with you. I hope you had time to read Luke chapter 12 as I suggested last episode. it is similar to what we discussed last episode but different as well.

Matthew Akinola

Let’s start with some wisdom from the Gospel of Luke, chapter 12. Verse 15 says, "Then he said to them, ‘Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; life does not consist in an abundance of possessions.’"

Matthew Akinola

Now, a little backstory on this passage. Picture the scene: Jesus is teaching a crowd, and someone interrupts Him to address a family dispute over inheritance. It’s a bit of a messy moment, really. But Jesus being who He is, He uses this interruption as an opportunity to speak some profound truth about life, trust, and where true value lies. What follows is a parable about the rich fool who stored up treasures for himself, only to lose everything when God suddenly demanded his life. The message is striking, isn’t it?

Matthew Akinola

Covetousness, or greed, is something Jesus warned us against strongly. And in the historical context, this message would’ve been especially relevant. Back then, wealth was often seen as a sign of God’s favor, and people were tempted to chase material success under that illusion. Doesn’t that sound familiar, though? In today’s world, the pressure to accumulate wealth, possessions, or even social status is just as intense—if not more so.

Matthew Akinola

But what does this look like for us, practically? What does it mean to live a life beyond possessions? this does not give us a license to be nonchalant, lazy or not to be ambitious but instead in being those things we should know that we are much more than them. I am more than my title, way more than my bank account no matter how many millions I have in it, and much more than my career no matter how successful I become. In other words, what makes you more is your submission to the things of God, your love towards others irrespective of who they are, and the sacrifice you are willing to make for others because of the Gospel of Jesus.

Matthew Akinola

As we dig deeper into this conversation, I encourage you to think about your own priorities—where your heart and focus have been. is yours, the number of houses, or the number of cars or clothes or is yours marriage, children, or anything else Because, truly, life doesn’t consist of an abundance of possessions or anything else for that matter, some things are important don't get me wrong, marriage is good, children are a gift from God but what I am saying is that you are fearfully and wonderfully made with or without those things, they don't make you less because you don't have them or make you more because you have them Jesus in your life makes all the difference. It’s a truth Jesus made very clear and one that speaks volumes, even in the distractions of the modern world.

Matthew Akinola

And on that note, we’ve reached the end of today’s episode. Thank you for spending this time with me. I hope this episode inspires you to reflect on where your true riches reside. Matthew 6 verse 33 says Until next time, I pray that the holy spirit will help us to get our priorities right in Jesus name. Amen

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